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Mimobi TV offered by Apalya Technology Pvt. Ltd. in collaboration with BSNL
Cheating by Apalya Technology Pvt. Ltd. offering Mimobi TV in connivance with BSNL

Defective product supplied & now not responding

Indiatimes Shopping (
Loss Due to High-Handed and Monopolistic Dealing By Indiatimes Shopping

Indiatiomes Shopping / Vishal Retail Ltd(102418) /INALSA Emergency Light-Sunny
Damaged Product Delivered

Indiatimes Travel
Non-delivery of promised hotel package

Indiatimes/ Texnis - Black Berry Strom 9500

Delivered Defective product and no service

Indiatimes Shopping, On Line order.8GB Spy Pen Video Recorder - Pen Drive
Non reciept of Order Item

Indiatimes Shopping
Fraudulent Transaction