Outgoing cancelled without any reason for more than 1week


This is a complaint letter with respect to the above mentioned Airtel card i.e 9867140669 which I am currently holding now. I purchased this card for my business use. I am very annoyed to say that Airtel is the most bad mobile service which I have ever dealt with. I am sure that you will not happy to hear this, but this is the fact, as none of your customer attendee knows how the company works, what offer they company have or had or how to deal with a query.

I purchased the above mentioned Airtel card for Rs 300 may be 4 weeks back along with the Airtel World calling card for Rs. 2, 200 [approx] from your Thane Gallery behind Malahar Cinema]. After, which I started to use this card a week later. I got many of my friends staying in London due to which I opted for your World calling card. At the time, when I purchased your card, my credit limit was only Rs.500 which I believe you offer for a new customer. A week later, I received a SMS from Airtel informing me that My credit limit has been revised to Rs. 1, 500. Now, I got a habit of checking my outstanding unpaid bill on a daily basis by dialing *121*12#. I noticed that every day, my outstanding bill was increased by Rs. 100 or Rs 150, which made me to call your customer service centre i.e 121. I called up your customer service on 29 April and told Mahesh [who answered my call at that time] about the issue. He said " Mam, whenever, you use World calling card, we charge the world calling card rates on your Mobile bill and when the bill is generated at the month end that World calling card amount will be deducted from your bill, reflecting the correct amount in the bill". I accepted his answer although I felt it was not valid to charge from your monthly bill when you have actually purchased the World calling card. I then, told him that if that is the case then My credit limit will exceed and my outgoing will be cancelled in future. He then replied that if that happens then call the customer service and explain them the issue they will activate your card again. I said Ok to him. If you want to double check what I have mentioned above then I would request to listen the "call records" which Airtel do before attending any customer.

Three days later, on Monday i.e 3 May my outstanding amount i.e 1, 600 [approx] exceeded the credit limit of Rs. 1, 500 and my outgoing calls was cancelled. As advised by Mahesh on Thursday, I called up Airtel on Monday evening after my outgoing was cancelled. Now. this time, the person who attended my call was different and he advised me of some other thing which I dont accept. He said " Mam, you were wrongly advised previously, Rs 1, 600 is your outstanding amount which is not of inclusive World calling rate". I tried to explain him, but he was again an untrained person of Airtel. I asked him to transfer the call to any of the "Senior person" in the team may be a team leader to whom I can talk to. He transferred the line to "Iqbal [I might be wrong in his name, as he was very slow]", he also, said the same thing that " Mam, you were wrongly advised previously, Rs 1, 600 is your outstanding amount which is not of inclusive World calling rate". I didn't buy these both people answer as I am sure my outstanding call amount can not exceed Rs. 1, 500 as I have only used the new card for 2 weeks or less than that. I hanged up the phone this time, as I believed these people are untrained and telling crap thing which is unacceptable.

I called up Airtel again on the same day i.e Monday at night time approximately at 11.00pm. Surprise, surprise, again the call was answered by Mahesh the one who answered my call on Thursday. I told him that My outgoing are cancelled because the amount exceeded the credit limit, he again gave me the same explanation as he gave me before, " Mam, whenever, you use World calling card, we charge the world calling card rates on your Mobile bill and when the bill is generated that World calling card amount will be deducted from your bill, reflecting the correct amount in the bill". I told him that I had called up Airtel earlier today, spoke to Iqbal who gave me different explanation. I asked him to transfer the line to some of his senior who can confirm me what is the actual and correct bill. Unluckily, the call was again transferred to Iqbal, who again repeated the same thing. I told him that for the time being I will pay Rs. 500 and asked him to activate the card, but he said he cant activate my card unless I pay Rs. 1, 231 [approx]. I told him that I have not received the bill for Rs. 460 for my 1st month upto 21st April I told him that I cant pay the bill unless I have seen the bill. But, again he was not listening to me and asked me to pay Rs. 1, 231 to activate the card. I hanged up the call again this time, as I don't thing his answer was acceptable and valid. Post this, I didn't call Airtel again although my outgoing was not activated. I seriously, believe that none of your customer attendee got enough knowledge to how to answer a query.

Post this on Tuesday, I called up Airtel again to inform them that I have not received the paper bill yet, the person who answered the call said that the bill is delivered to your address and you will receive soon. I would like to confirm that I have not yet received any bill for Rs. 460 yet from your office. The last date to pay this bill is 12 May. I want to make this clear that I am not going to settle any bill or any late charges for this amount until my above issue is solved by Airtel and I have a correct and actual bill reflecting the correct amount.

Following this, on 07 May my incoming calls are also cancelled and now my card is showing as "Inactive Sim".

I am very disappointed with this crap service that you provide to your customer. I need a written explanation to my above email from a "Senior and well trained" person of Airtel. If you fail to respond me in next 48 Hours then I would believe that you are not answering my query and I can legally sue Airtel for the bad and poor service.



Company: Airtel
Country: India
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