BPL Mobile
Billing problems


I have 2 mobile nos from BPL Mobile. I have given Auto pay from my credit card so as to there is no delay in bill payment. This was working fine till Nov 06. Since Dec every time BPL comes back saying that my bank declines the payment I had check with my bank they are saying that my card is in active mode has large limit than BPL mobiles bill still BPL disconnects my connection. This has happened 5-6 times. I have a confirmation from my bank that there is no problem in my card. I have written to BPL at least 10times but none of their senior level people looked in this I am suffering even monetary losses due to this & frustration. It feels like they want to harass you. I have very clean record of Bill payment & not even a late payment as i have always kept my bill payment on Auto Pay. I have submitted this Auto Pay to their Malad Gallery but i dont know why their operations dept or customer Care Dept are not able to solve this. My sincere request to all new mobile connection buyers to read through my complaint.

Company: BPL Mobile
Country: India
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