Phone no of clacutta telephone no 033-23378872
Landline telephone dead


My landline phone no 033-23378872 in Kolkata, Salt Lake is dead since 09.08.2011.Complain lodged vide docket no F0720 on 09.08.2011.

The defect is not being attended inspite of several request done verbally and through teplphonic phone calls.

Problem is not being attended by Calcutta Telphone Authority for reasons best known to them.

I am totally frustrated by seing the resonse and behavior of Calcutta Telephone Authority.

When, the matter is discussed, the lower rank man says, go to next higher ups and he says, you go to further higher ups. Like this the matter goes on without any action.

When matter is refereed to General Manager, Kolkata Satl Lake Office (Phone no -o33-2358-5000) his /her office staff says GM is busy in meeting.

Even it has so heppened, that DE/SDE/Area Manager are not lifting phone calls. In worst case, by mistake if they are lifting phone calls, simply they are giving excuses by passing the bucks.

Ultimeate result is phone is still dead.

I do not understand, why there is so much delay.

I am thinking of surrendering the phone no.

Shall be thankful, if the problem is attended immediately.


PHONE NO -0971434556

E-mail -

Company: Phone no of clacutta telephone no 033-23378872
Country: India
State: West Bengal
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