Bag It today /India Todat
False Commitment/Fraud/Cheating

Traveling & Tourism

Dear Sir

Its Been more than 2 Month

We have purchased your book my holiday by me & few of my Frnd. The person were dealing with me & my frnds were

Mr Rajendra Kumar (9716059562, 9953433539)

Mr Mahendra Sharma (IT

Mr. Sandeep (Team Lead, 9990334637).

We have been very very firmly commited by Mr. Rajendra & Sandeep that if we book today Book my holiday package than we would be entitled to have one of the free gift mentioned below. Gift would be delivred at our Door step with in 2-3 weeks times. But so far we have not recived anything we have tried to contactMr. Rajendra/Mr Sandeep but No response. We have been able to communicate with few agen fm India Today but No positive satisfactory response by team. So far we have been able to spkoe, Mr, Vivek, Ravi George... etc.

We have had mre than 20 calls By Mr. Rajendra to hv this offer. We have been commited this 7 night /8 days Offer can be used in parts. This was additional advantage given by Mr. Rajendra. We have been strictly advise not to disclose it to Verification agent.

Request you to plaese look into the matter.

Kindly Deliver our gift which has been promised, Or Return our money & cancle the booking.

Else we wont be having any option other than legal action.




Company: Bag It today /India Todat
Country: India
State: Delhi
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Airtel Cheate

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S T A M I N U S . N E T

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Denis (fraud fellow)

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S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t
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