Bag it Today, India Today Book club, Premier Sales Promotions Pvt. Ltd

Traveling & Tourism

Being a member of the India Today Book Club, I received the offers from Bag it Today, of a Re.1/- sale, which included few books and a Holiday Voucher from Premium Sales Promotions Pvt Ltd.

Having paid for the offer, although I received the books entitled according to the order, but, as I now get to know, The Holiday Voucher company, is a known fraud company, which has looted the customers. Having known the blacklisting, I would not send my DD of Rs.899/- to them.

The complaint is against the Bag it Today group since how can they cheat their customers by fake offers. If a reputed name like India Today Book club is associated with it, they should give services also like that.

I need my money back, as they lured me to take the offer, without checking their facts about the company they are linking with, or might be that they too are being the partners in crime.

Company: Bag it Today, India Today Book club, Premier Sales Promotions Pvt. Ltd
Country: India
State: Rajasthan
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Airtel Cheate

S T A M I N U S . N E T

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S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

India Today Book Club
Order not deliver since MArch

Is it true and chance of getting jo

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