Big city promotions

Traveling & Tourism

I was contacted by times of india representatives and i book 2 orders of britannica encyclopidia just because 2 holiday packages were promised.i claimed by prizes from the link and courired it to bangalore address duly but havnt recieved any intimation so far.

after dozens of calls at ur no. 08040554870 i have received information that my gift is being processed and they will mail me the papers which i am required to faill along with demand draft that day itself which never happened.

most worst experience is that i recieve nearly 10 calls from india today book club n wen i try n request the tele callers to enquire my status of previous order they simply disconnect as if they r only bothered about those who purchase.

i am highly dis satisfied by your way of customer response... i have mailed twice to ths email addresses provided to me:

but i havnt got any feedback on this.i and my husband are planning to sue this case in consumer forum as we are treated very rudely by one of ur representatives.

infact one i was approached by a tele caller who was also giving a free holiday package scheme on 31 dec to whom i narrated my story n he just told me to book another one so that he can look into my matter... great!!!

someone told me your email id n i really hope something fruitful this time.

my gift claiming no.s are-itbc8805 charanjit singh, itbc9115 harsimran singh chadha

i talked with nalibi at 08040554870 n after that that no. goes on waiting for hours... i got to know their managers id he doesnt respond.its a clear case of fraud by such big names.a case should be registered for making fool of us against consumer forum.

Company: Big city promotions
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: West Delhi
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

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S T A M I N U S . N E T

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