Casa Retreat Pvt. Ltd, #32, II Floor, Castle Street, Richmond Town, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore-25
Cheating Gullible People by making false promises and not delivering on them

Traveling & Tourism

Respected Sir,

Sub- Cheating gullible people by making false promises and not delivering on them.

With reference to the above subject, I state that the people at Casa Retreat Pvt. Ltd., #32, II Floor, Castle Street, Richmond Town, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore- 560025 are duping people by calling them to their office in the above address stating that they are giving away gifts in the form of Jamoon Cups sets, Juice Sets, Dessert Sets, Holiday Vouchers etc as a free gift to people who have visited and made purchases at Garuda Mall. They ask people to visit their place with Spouse and they say one can just go there, pick up the gifts and leave. When somebody goes to their place, they start promoting their Holiday Timeshare by painting rosy pictures and by the time they finish, they pressurize people covertly to accept their offer and once the offer is accepted only one comes to know of their true intentions. They have a set up where continuously they change people explaining to give a sense that one is talking to a manager and later a person who is senior to him in hierarchy. What they orally offer as a package for joining them is exponentially higher than what they offer when you sign the offer. They try to endear people by saying they are from the same ethnicity, place or language background to gain enough confidence. During the closure of the sale, they say “ Whatever we have explained is in this Agreement Document. You can sign it”. By that time, they would have elicited enough confidence that the people would actually not go through the document. They hold the same against the innocent people. I would like to narrate the experience in its entirety to drive home the points I have raised above.

On 20.06. I was asked to go the above said address of Casa Retreat Pvt. Ltd. with my wife to receive the gift earmarked for us. When we went there, we were told that to collect our Gifts, we had to speak to a person. After this, as we realize later, three sales personnel, including a person who introduced himself as Dev spoke to us. They showed pictures of American Suits in different Hotels/ Resorts and said they said that in a year since a normal person would be expected to holiday for atleast three to five nights in a year, they can avail their services as they have a company running since 1999 and they will arrange all the requirements. They are clearly misusing the provision in law that only a written agreement can be challenged. What they promised initially but orally and what they said after the payment was made and the document was signed is documented below to give the clear picture of how they operate. Once the sale was made, my further communication were addressed only by a person by name Ravi who claimed to be the manager and in charge of the place. Ravi did not want to hear anything about the oral promises made by the sales people and said that he is the only person who would talk to me and he would stick to what is there in the Document singed. When I visited their office again on 29.06.2012 to get the matter resolved, I was treated very shabbily and was threatened by Ravi and another person. Ravi also said that I was a fool to have signed the document without verifying where as I had trusted them and I had found out that my trust in them was misplaced and I had been betrayed. Since I had been pressurized to accept the deal then there itself by saying the offer was available only for that day, I had no time to research the same. While I demanded that the agreement be cancelled and the amount that I paid be returned to me, I was told that that could not be done and I had to either make use of what they are offering or forget the money. Later, I have also found out that there are a lot of people who have suffered similar fate at the hands of these blue collared day robbers. I am also attaching copies of some of the complaints filed with the Indian Consumer Compalints Forum.

Sl. No. What they said before the deal (Orally) What they changed their version to after the Deal

1. Accommodation will be given in American

Style Suits in all their tied up Resorts, all of which they claimed to be Four Star and Above. It will be a Deluxe Room in a Three Star Hotel/ Resort

2. A holiday period of 5 Nights and Six Days will be given to Four Adults and 2 accompanying children below 10 years. At this point, when I enquired about the accommodation of four adults in a single room, they clarified by saying that two adjacent Double Bed rooms will be given to ensure privacy. The deal is for 3 Nights and 4 days only on which they are giving two nights complementary for which the member has to pay a certain fee. They said that no Three Star hotel allows more than Three adults in a single room and it is not written in the agreement also.

3. They said that Breakfast will be free during the stay. They said it is not mentioned in the Document.

4. They said Pickup and Drop facility will be given from and to the nearest Railhead/ Bus Station/ Airport They say the document says there is a discount of upto 30% which a member can use.

5. They said that the Credit Card can be made use of and they have tied up with HDFC Bank. Since I had a HDFC BANK Credit Card, they said they are offering me an interest free EMIs on the amount of Rs.15, 000/- for Twelve Months. When I insisted that I should have no hassles later, they said they would Swipe the Card for Rs. 15, 000/- and get it converted into an EMI from their end without bothering me about the same. After they swiped the card, they said since the conversion could be done from both sides, i.e., from the side of the Merchant or the Card Holder, I had to call up the Customer Care for the same. They promised me that my call would only be a formality as they would take care of the conversion. I was asked by them to call back on the next day to the office number and Dev’s number on 8496017770 and he would confirm the conversion to EMI. When I called Dev on the above said number, I was told that he would get it converted immediately and give me a call back. I never received a call and my call to him was also unanswered. When I contacted their Office, initially he was shielded and later Ravi answered me saying since it was not spelt out in the Document he could do nothing about it.

6. They said there are so many respectable people who are their members and promised to give me references They said they wont give out info about other members

In the above circumstances, I request your kindself to give protection to me from the above said persons and get the sum of Rs. 15, 000/- that they have taken from me by making false promises and not adhering to them afterwards retuned to me.

Company: Casa Retreat Pvt. Ltd, #32, II Floor, Castle Street, Richmond Town, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore-25
Country: India
State: Karnataka
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