Heritage holidays
Fraud in Tour booking

Traveling & Tourism

I booked Package Tour with them using SBI Credit card. Voucher No 6655140 for Jaipur in Nov end.

They rejected and asked for options. I have Goa. They rejected.

Suddenly in Oct end they confirm booking in Jaipur.

No tickets available due to vacation rush.

Am forced.

Cannot travel and money lost.

Heritage holiday resells to someone else.

Racket goes on

Consumers cheated.

Big scandal and fraud

Company: Heritage holidays
Country: India
State: Delhi
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

Ebooktech pvt ltd
Fraud saalee

Godel Technologies
Godel Technologies is a big fraud company