Uncaring Incompetent Customer Care

Traveling & Tourism

I am going through an ordeal with I chose Makemytrip to book a vacation for some friends visiting from outside India thinking that it would be convenient to have one agency responsible for all the hotels and cab, etc.

Initially, everything went off well. They were able to find a decent itinerary and a decent price. Disaster stuck a few days later when on checking the hotel and cab vouchers I found that I had been listed as the passenger instead of my friends. I informed Makemytrip about it and for days they claimed that they were working on updating the vouchers. Finally, when it was the day before the trip I frantically called them and they assured me that I would get the revised vouchers that evening. I was relieved when the vouchers arrived with no mistakes in them.

However, the next morning I was horrified to find out that the taxi that came to receive them was refusing to take them because the taxi company had not been informed by Makemytrip about the correction in the voucher. It took an hour and calls by me to Makemytrip, the cab driver and the cab company owner to get their journey started.

All seemed to be going smoothly until this morning. My friends were trying to check out from their hotel in Thekkady but were not allowed to because the hotel had not yet been paid by Makemytrip. I spent over 2 hours on the phone with both Makemytrip and the hotel to help my friends check out. Makemytrip's representative, Nausheen Mansuri kept making excuses that the payment was made already and that their was some problem with the transfer. I told them that if there was a problem, it should be sorted out between the hotel and Makemytrip. My friends had paid Makemytrip in full and did not deserve the rest of their vacation to be ruined by justing waiting at the reception cluelessly.

After so many calls the truth finally emerged. Makemytrip had not made the transfer. Since Makemytrip does not enjoy any credit with the hotel (because of previous payment problems), the hotel staff called Makemytrip to get the transfer done but Makemytrip was lazy, incompetent and uncaring. They actually had the audacity to tell the hotel to keep the guests waiting till the transfer came through and then after that stopped taking calls from the hotel. To me, Makemytrip's representative, Nausheen Mansuri, lied that the problem was at the hotel end. At first I was willing to give Makemytrip the benefit of the doubt until they started cutting my call and refusing to put me in touch with their supervisor.

As I write it has been almost 2.5 hours that my friends have been waiting at the hotel with no solution in sight. They still have another 4 days left on their vacation and I shudder to think what else Makemytrip will screw up. Already they have wasted over 2.5 hours which could have been spent on the houseboat from Alleppey to Kumarakkom. I am expecting that Makemytrip resolves this problem and compensates my friends for their lost time.

Country: India
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