Aj interlinks pvt ltd
AJ Interlinks is a Fraud

Traveling & Tourism

AJ Interlinks is a 100% Fraud company.

They called me one day and told that I have won a free gift, and i should come along with my wife to collect it. When i said I am not married, they asked me where I am working, When i said that I am working for Cisco systems, she spoke to her manager and says that, its ok if I am single, but I can come & collect the gift. (Strange! working for cisco = married ahah).

Anyway, I went to see what the gift is. There they said, they will have a presentation on some offer, only after that they will give the free gift. They explained some things about their organization, and about their packages etc.,

Some Manager said, For Rs. 1, 98, 000, I get 1 week free holiday anywhere in world. I thought its too much of cost, and i said no. Then he offered me other price, he said, pay 65, 000 for holiday in anywhere in India.

I thought may be this is a good deal, 7 days free accomodation for 65, 000 is a good deal. I said, i will pay in EMI's. Then he says, I will give you another best offer, Pay me 50, 000, and pay it immediately without any EMI. I thought ok may be i can save 15, 000.

Then they say that If i am willing to become a member, i should decide immediately and sign a agreement on the spot. I asked if i can take 2 days time and decide it later. They say, No, I should decide immediately & sign the agreement.

I thought for a moment and decided to go with it, they said, i will receive all details & a AJ Card in a week time.

But I didnt get any details, call nor card for almost 20 days. Whenever I called customer support, they just said it will take few more days.

Finally after a month, I got the card.

I decided to go to Bandipur for 2 days holiday, and i sent a email for reservation. They reply back saying I should pay additional Rs. 5, 200 for 2 days holiday. I was shocked, i asked them for what this Rs, 5, 200 is for, they say this is Exchange Fees, and claim that this is there in agreement and they informed us during membership signup. But, the fact is no one informed about this additional charges during membership signup.

Their Customer support is the worst I have seen. They cant speak proper English, and for any query, they will tell that they will call you back in 1 hour, and they never call back. I am sick of calling them 100 times just to hear some stupid response.

As I was not happy with these, I asked for refund of money & cancel membership, but they say that As per agreement, they cant refund the money for 2 years.

I was tricked by them, I was forced by them to sign the agreement.

I want to get my money back.

Please let me know how can I raise a complaint against this fraud company.




Company: Aj interlinks pvt ltd
Country: India
State: Karnataka
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

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Denis Bullshit

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