Dish TV
Sending wrong sms

TV & Radio

Today I have received one sms from Dish TV at 12.14.24 pm (Indian time) stated "They have not received my payment". As per package, my recharge is due on 29th of every month. As this is february this may be 28th february or 1st march.

Today 23rd Feb. I hope they can not send sms stating that " you have not received my payment" before due date, which contains wrong information. They can send sms menioning my due date.

Everytime, they are doing some problem. Earlier in one month I have requested them to activate color ala pack. But some how there was acivaion of UTV ala pack from starting, which was done by disribuotor. I was not aware about that. When I came to know that along with color ala pack, UTV ala pack is also activated, I called to their cusomer service requesing to deactivate UTV pack. Their cusomer care representative told me that they are noting down my request & they same will be processed. Again after some days when I called, their customer representative told the same things. Again they gave me some request no. After some day when I saw the same is not deacivated till now, again I called cusomer care. At this time they told that, they same cane no be deacivated before one month.

Please see how cusomer is getting suffered due to oher's mistake & dish TV is not bohered about this.

Company: Dish TV
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
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