Airtel digital tv
Overcharging customers

TV & Radio

On 26th August I have recharged my Airtel DTH services with an amount of Rs.- by credit card. Immediately I calledup Airtel at 020-44448080 to inform the compamy taht I have recharged and I wish to subscribe to the package - new value - which costs 1919 for 12 months subscription with 60 additional days free. I am told that the account will be active in 45 minutes and I am to call again after 45 minutes.

I call in an hour. The system is unable to do the change due to some internal problem. Please call tomorrow and it will be done. In the meantime ONE days charges of MEGA Package, which is considerably higher than that of the New Value pack I want, is deducted from my account.

I call again on 27th, another days amount of Mega Package is deducted. I am told that the system is under upgradation and the change can be done after 2 pm. Please call after 2 pm.

I call at 2.45 pm. same reply - system upgradation, please call after 5 pm.

I call at 5 30 pm. Same reply, please call tomorrow.

I ask - why will a customer pay for the delay in system upgradation at your end and NOT GET what he is asking and paying for.

Can any sane person at Airtel answer me this?? How do you expect to take customers for a ride with filmsy excuses such as system upgradation when all the system is working fine - the package is being telecast/broadcast, amount is being deducted from my account, etc, my account details are seen at the call cantres end, everything is working fine BUT the change cannot be done for days together???

I am asking for a simple solution - change my package to the one desired by me or refund the days charges untill Airtel can effect the change satisfactorily.

Am I asking too much - Mr Mittal??? Someone needs to answer here.

Company: Airtel digital tv
Country: India
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