Fraud show

TV & Radio

There is one program which gets featured everyday in Zee TV and Imagine TV at 12 in the night called "GOLD SAFE". The program is for 2hrs. They ask some silly, stupid question which could be easily answered by anyone. This promts viewers to make frequent calls to the show & each call costs you Rs 12/MIN... which is quite unreasonable. The prize money is Rs50, 000. And during the entire two hours they keep fooling the viewers prompting them to call. There is hardly any call they pick up & they make the callers wait on phone so that they get their share.

What makes it clear that the act is fooling people is that the questions which are asked are so easy that it's impossible that in 2 hours nobody answers it. This is a gimmick. I would like the concerned authority to take action against this particular program & save people from being fools!!

Company: GOLD SAFE
Country: India
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