Miserable Customer Service

TV & Radio

This one is Sunil Bharti Mittal & other irresponsible Airtel top executives.

Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal;

Words cannot express the way you have let me down as a consumer & a customer of 3 of Airtel services for over 5 years. I have given up completely on your customer service department; be it for broadband, mobile services or DTV; it simply is hopelessness, a shallow abyss. Please use a regular Airtel mobile (not your super privileged one), call one of your call centers & have a first hand experience.

I started writing this mail a month ago; however couldn’t finish for some reasons. The problems I was facing with Airtel DTH, Airtel Prepaid Mobile & Airtel Broadband are gone for now. And I am enjoying the service temporarily; however deep down in my head I have this tingling intuition that whenever your truly good product (DTH, prepaid & BB) fails again; I will have to connect with your miserable, pathetic, annoying, unhelpful, ‘diligently working against the customer care’ call centre specialists. Every single person taking calls for Airtel, whichever service it be; is a rude, condescending, uneducated, ‘too-busy-to-help’ useless piece of art work.

Where do you find these people?

Who trains these wood heads?

Do they have no shame?

Do you* have no shame?

I wonder why is it impossible to approach you, who do you think you have become; you sell a product (no doubt a good product) & then you are not there to answer when I am troubled with your product. Why is it such a humungous deal to get any little thing sorted?

You have established your reputations as a philanthropist; you go & distribute charities; have you ever thought of distributing an ear to those who enable you be a philanthropist enough. The service you provide for the money I pay or any other customer pays you is shameless image of ignorance. A cunning business like you doesn’t need anyone to tell that businesses thrive upon personal relationships; & you are scoring negative in this. I am stating an unofficial consensus. I am looking for a different service provider, I will definitely go. I am not looking for compensations; what I am looking for is change, which is impossible for ‘you’ to deliver; so don’t sweat! But I do want to be heard. I am going to speak; here to you, at home, at work; wherever I can cause you a loss of a customer or a probable customer one at a time. I promise you that.

* I am not only referring to Mr. Mittal but to all the equally ignorant top executives with fat pay checks.

Company: Airtel
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: West Delhi
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