Insurance policy
HDFC SLIC SCAM - Insurance policy

Business & Finance

I, Rahul Kumar Sharma, have taken some Policies from HDFC SLIC, but

have been cheated, so I would like to address this serious concern

which I have been facing since a long time, but unfortunately, so

far, HDFC SLIC team have not been very keen to look into the concerns,

with this mail, I hope not only to be heard in a proper manner but also

some necessary actions will be taken against the culprits..

These are the main concerns/problems we have:

1. While taking policies I have been told by the representative that

the premium is to be paid only for 2-3 years only that too for 3

policies that I have taken... which I got to know only a few days back

is not the case.. to my shock I got to know that there are several

policies in my name which I have never been aware of and we got to know

about it only when we found that the money has been transferred for

almost 7-8 different policies.

2. There are fake policies in my wife's name, Archna Khurana where if

you go through the paper work the signatures are not there, and even

the address is fake, to my utter surprise I got to know of this

scam, when the money was transferred from my account and I got the

details where and why the money has been transferred.

3. There are policies in the name of my Brother Rohit Kumar, again I

was left aghast when I got to know that the premium amount has been

deducted for 3 policies though we had just taken one policy for him.

I have provided information to the representative trusting him

unknowingly that a Bank of such repute can cheat their customers with

lakhs of rupees.

I would hereby request for a refund of all those policies which are

fake, for which we are hopeful to get some reply from your esteemed

Bank within this week as I am not very keen to proceed for legal

complications, but if I would not be heard this time, filing for a

legal suit will be the only option as the money involved is not just

few thousands but lakhs of my hard earned money.

I am very hopeful for a positive reply this time.(details of all these

policies will be provided once I hear from any representative of HDFC


Company: Insurance policy
Country: India
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