Insurance policy
Kindly cancel my insurance Policy

Business & Finance

Dear Sir / Madam,

Two person Mr. Jay Adwani & Mr. Manish comes from HDFC Bank (Kota Branch) and discussed on HDFC insurance Policy. They said with me on below mentioned policy. But point was they told me on the term will be only single. I also agreed & given the cheque of 99, 999/- (Rs) to them.

Name of Policy Holder :-Shashikant J Pawar

Name of Policy: - HDFC SL Crest Highest NAV Guarantee Fund

Unique ID NO: - 101L064V01

Policy No. : - 14676702

Installment: - 99999/- Per Year (Term 5 Year)

After some days I received phone call from HDFC Bank, he give information about the above mentioned policy. Lastly he said the terms of policy will be paid for 5 year.

I disagree with him and requested him to stop my policy on phone call. Instantly I contacted with Mr. Jay Advani and requested to stop my above mentioned policy, because I have not problem for single premium, but unable to paid for continue 5 year.

I received the Bond paper & other documents by speed post on 08 October and all received documents I submitted (on 02 November) to the HDFC Bank Kota branch and request to cancel my policy. But Bank persons are refused to cancel my insurance policy by showing reason that we given document on 02 Sept’2011; you have to submit the documents before 02 Nov’2011 not on 02 Nov’2011.

Kindly help me for cancel my policy.


Shashikant Pawar


Company: Insurance policy
Country: India
State: Rajasthan
City: Kota
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