New York Life Insurance
Surrender Value Not Paid

Business & Finance

I took a unit linked insurance scheme with Max Newyork Life. My policy number is 427993415.

I paid a premium for a year, rupees 15000, at 2006. After that, I was unable to pay the amount. My policy got lapsed. In the document I have it was mentioned that if the policy is not revived, the policy will terminate and the guaranteed surrender value, if any, shall be paid at the end of third year. I submitted my surrender form requesting to pay back the premium amount I paid, 3 months ago. After that I was following it up with Newyork Life Insurance, still I am not getting any proper response.

I have surrendered my policy which i have taken on I couldn’t continue pay the premium due to financial reason. I paid the premium 15000.00 amount for first year alone, and couldn't continue further. I am expecting the paid amount to be surrendered for the policy.

I took same scheme in LIC policy for the same period and paid premium amount of Rs 15000.00 for a year, surrendered that policy last week and i got surrender value Rs 14492.00.

When I approached an LIC agent, for my LIC policy to surrender, he is able to tell what the surrender values would be. Here, I went to the nearest maxnewyork branch, even the manager, other persons could not tell any information and what would be the amount. I am irritated with all the indifferent responses. I have mentioned the policy number, I don’t know what else I need to give, to get the policy details. In the last mail, I was asked to send the policy document. You have the policy no and you could get the premium paid details from it. When I went to LIC with the same request, they were able to tell me the return value, without getting policy form from me. Even I have the LIC policy document still with me.

I went through the policy, and it states under section 14.2 of the policy document that

14.2 c) In case the policy is not revived during this revival period, the policy will terminate and the guaranteed surrender value, if any

, shall be paid at the end of third policy anniversary or at the end of the revival period whichever is later.

I didnt revive the policy, and not interested in continuing the policy. I have paid a premium amount for a year. So as per the statement, I need the premium amount refunded.

After all the mail communications, I am not getting any detailed response. It has been 3 months, since I surrendered by Policy. It is quite frustrating, each time walking into the nearest branch, they would ask to send a mail or give a number. After all the communication through calls and mails, I did not get any valid response. Now I need premium amount paid by me, to be refunded

Company: New York Life Insurance
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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