Cancellation of Card

Business & Finance

Dear Sir,

I had got my credit card about a month back and had not used it at all, as I didn't hv much use for Credit Card but got coaxed into buying by persistant phone calls as much as two to three times a day. In order to get rid of disturbance, I reluctantly got card. The phone calls hv not stopped and continue to be a constant source of distracation on my mobile and office phone creating serious distraction and nuisance. On 17th April 10, Saturday Holiday, on summer AN, I suddently got a SMS congratulating me on my first USE of card, although I hvn't used it at all. this SMS alarmed me rearding some misuse on my card and spent anxious precious time fm my AN sleep to find out that there hs bn no usage.

I am a retired senior citizen and certainly doesn't relish such shocks or alarms. I want to surrender my card and pl tell me how to go about the same. I SINCERELY REQUEST YOU NOT TO PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO RETAIN CARD, I HV GOT FED UP WITH PERSISTENT DAILY REMINDERS EVEN WHEN I GOT THE CARD AND NOW THIS WRONG MESSAGE.

I wd tear off the card and throw away in case I don't get immediate redressel to my problem, please respond, with thanks and regards,

Sheel Yadav

Company: Nil
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: South Delhi
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