Postal Life Insurance
Status of policy TN-8116C

Business & Finance


My postal life policy No. TN-8116C I have sent two or more reminders to the Postmaster general, PLI for requesting my policy status. So far no reply has been received. I request the PMG, Chennai once again to send the status of my PLI Policy status - R.Kannan

Company: Postal Life Insurance
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Cuddalore
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Kotak life Insurance
Non payment of promissed amount

National insurance co. ltd
Abhinav Traders, Jaipur claim with National Insurance through SBBJ, Jaipu

Future Genralli Insurance
Cheat/ Fraud by wrong commitments to sell apolicy

Ing insurance policy
Wrong information in policy document 01648348

Aviva Life Insurance
Over 25 days of Non payment of Policy Surrender Value

Reliance life insurance
Not action on promise to refund previous policy fund amount (Rupee value of units held)

Kotak Life Insurance policies
Cheating Racket run by Kotak Life