GE Cash Card
Cheating the customer!

Business & Finance

I received GE Cashcard No. 4211 9030 1404 6736. They are very irregular in sending the statements. Previously, they had a branch office at Chennai where payment can be sent, which they shifted. After this, I used to drop the cheques in the specified drop box. However, they started charging cheque pick-up fee. I don't think any Bank is charging cheque pick-up fee for the cheques dropped in the specified drop box. Fed up with the services, I repaid the due amount during the end except for a small amount of around Rs.70. I talked to the Bank regarding the wrong charges of cheque pick-up fees and the representative over the phone agreed to waive the same and adjust towards the dues and close and cancel the account. While they canceled the card, to my shock, I received a statement for Rs.70 Late Fee Service charge. When I contacted over phone, they assured that they will reverse the same in the next month, I will not receive any statement. However, again the next month, I received the statement for the earlier month due fresh Late fee Service charge. Again, I contacted over phone, they again assured that they will reverse the amount, but nothing happened.By the month of May I now received a fresh statement specifying a total liability of around Rs.2, 500/-. I want to bring this to the notice of all the customers of GE CASH CARD as well as prospective customers, so that they will be careful in the dealings with the Bank. I regret that no official / representative from the Bank bother to contact over phone or take correct action. Continuous phone calls to the Bank are yielding no results. I am at loss as to what to do now.

Company: GE Cash Card
Country: India
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S T A M I N U S . N E T

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S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

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