Club Mahindra
Unruly and Unquothe Manage

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Club Mahindra Mulund R-Mall center - Mumbai representatives have been calling us up for the past couple of days atleast 5-6 times a day trying to lure us with some vouchers and scheme for the club membership. Today itself they called atleast 9 times, after which completely fedup both of us decided to visit the center so that the calls stop coming. Finally at 8.00pm we reached the R-Mall Mulund Club Mahindra center.

On visit to the R-Mall center we are greeted by your representative Hitesh Kirti, who was a very nice young man who took us through the entire presentation, which brought us to a stage of getting interested and then he called in his manage Anand (missed out on his last name). His approach from the beginning and his body language itself was very arrogant. He was stinking of cigarettes and it was becoming difficult for my husband and me to sit across him. However, we continued our interaction with him and asked him to come down to figures and share the details on the DP and the EMI's along with possible payment schemes.

After he had shared the amounts and the payment schemes, we started negotiating with him for a better scheme or package. However, he was downrightly arrogant and debasing, saying he was sorry for my husband for the organization that he worked for, as probably the organization he worked for seemed to be too desperate to make sale or to survive. Anands this comment came after my husband gave him a hypothetical example saying that things cannot be so rigid and that the organization he belongs to made discounts if needed anywhere from 30-80%.

He did not stop there, saying, that he belonged to club mahindra and was associated with the club for very long and that they were not desperate to make a sale or interested in selling the holiday scheme to us and both of us sat there dumbstruck and completely speechless. Before we could say something he very disgracefully without any apologies got on to a call still sitting across us. Finally when my husband and I were out of the shock, we got up and shook hands with Hitesh complimenting his approach and regretting the choice of words his manager had used.

By the time we came out I was completely shaken with anger and went back to have a word with Anand as he was still on call when we left. I asked him to end his call and told him that he needs to learn to respect other peoples professions and the organizations that they belonged to instead of debasing them. I also told him to be careful with the choice of his words.By the time i had finished talking instead of feeling any remorse towards his action, he very vulgularly mentioned 'ja ja bhikari log'. This made my blood boil and there was a heated exchange. Lastly he mentioned that 'you will have to take back your words..i promise'.

Is this the kind of people Club Mahindra employees? He came across as a complete hoodlum or a 'dada'.

I request Club Mahindra to look into the quality of people they employ. Its the club representatives who kept on calling us to come and attend the presentation, and then this guy calls us 'Bhikharis'

I am not sure, what action or whether any would be taken against Anand or not, however, i am still taking efforts to enlighten the club on the employee quality.

A very disappointed interaction with Club Mahindra


Company: Club Mahindra
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
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