ASO Terra Lingua Private Limited
Non Payment, Cheating Complaints

Career & Work


Thanks you very much for all the support rendered by you Translator friends. Even female translator who have been cheated by this Fuckersssss Sharmila and Oliver are trying hard to fight the battle with these leeches.

Its is waste of time writing in this forum or sending mails to them or calling them asking for our money is utter waste of time. We need to take sever action on these Fuckersss so that it would be lesson for other Translation agencies.

All the employees working in that company starting from security to coordinators work in the mind set - Not to pay translators. Its not a Translation agency its a mini RED LIGHT AREA or even worse than that. They co operate in such a way to cheat translators. So, its of no use to talk to this Ass holes for our hard earned money.

Instead, we can join hands and fight against them going there as a group and attacking them. I know every detail about where these people are, I get news daily from my friend.

I request you all people to join me in this war. I am going to travel 900 Kms to come Bangalore for this cause. Even female translators have joined in this and agreed to come along with me and support me for this cause along with their families.

We all can go there together on same day and teach a lesson such that they never start another company. You can pick any of their properties in their company for the loss that inquired to you. If we go as a group no one can stop us from looting their office and attacking them such that they can never run a business in India. I know each and every detail about that company, how many people are working, how many securities are there. So if we go as a group, no one can stop us. Please do not care about the money that will be inquired in this trip for your travel, think of the money they have cheated you, so it is worth it for what they have done to us. Even if it is 1000 rupees or 1, 00, 000, its money only. I can fix the date, if you interested please contact me to my email ID -

Many of them have agreed to come with me and joining me in this campaign, thanks for each and every one of them. I assure you every one that, you will get what ever you have lost to this ASO Terra Lingua.

Company: ASO Terra Lingua Private Limited
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
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Airtel Cheate

S T A M I N U S . N E T

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t
S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

ASO Terra Lingua - Banaglore
ASO Terra Lingua - No. 1 Fraud Company in Translation

ASO Terra Lingua Private Limited
Non Payment for Translators

ASO Terra Lingua Private Limited
Not Paying Translators Properly


ASO terralingua
Nonpayment of work


Airtel cheate