Auto Rikshaw sangh
We are not charged by Meters

Cars & Transport

We are staying in New panvel here all the Auto rikshaw wala's are charging us what they feel (want) as the priceis not fixed with the distance and they are not charging with the meter as Meter is compulsory they made it on so that the meter runs but we are charged as the want. These are in Places near Panvel as the police too are not strict with them they too are with them. Then who will help us.

All the Vehicals are picked by the private people working under police. They pick the vehicles even we park on the parking zone they too do there work as they feel.

don't even think of the public

AS Police are currupted this is becaue we all are facing this type of problem.

Government are also working for them only they never think to the common people.

Company: Auto Rikshaw sangh
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Raigad
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License # 14584/01 || Badge # 14337/01
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