Bollywood Packers
Non Payment of dues

Cars & Transport

I used the services of Bollywood Packers (Welcome to Bollywood Packers) to move my household goods from Mumbai to Bangalore on 31/3. They asked for upfront payment of full amount and were not negotiable on it. My consignment number is 2141. They delivered me on 2/4 (on time) but they sent the goods through a transporter. As far as the agreement went, Bollywood packers were supposed to unload and unpack the goods at customer (my) location but the transporter told me that Bollywood packers told the transporter that the customer would do it herself. When I called Bollywood packers they told me it was a "misunderstanding." They asked me to send my bank details. I called them up and they promise to pay me back. Till date, I have not received a penny in refund. Secondly, they asked me to "keep another person's bike at my place" as it was also in the same lorry as my goods. I refused to do it but they requested and so I safeguarded it. They haven't paid me for that as well. Overall, they did not keep their word and it hurts.

Company: Bollywood Packers
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
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