Crossroads car helpline
Poor Service and False Commitments, Cheating and Customer Harassment

Cars & Transport

This company is one of biggest shameless and fraud organization that I have ever come across. I can't believe that it is not just the people, but in fact the whole company is being run on the base of false commitments and cheating. I have been resisting the urge to post something about them, but now it is high time.

First of all, something about myself, I have 2 cars registered with them, one of which is registered for the past 7 years, and the other being registered for 5 years, so that adds to 12 years of membership with them effectively.

So here are some things which can tell you about Crossroads as an organization.

1. For the past 3 years, every time I start getting calls for Renewal at least 5 months before the expiry of my membership. And they never say that it is due after 5 months, they always tell me that it is due to expire in next 10 days. I tell them each time the correct date, but still they keep calling every 15 days. And the sales executive gals are so trained that they are totally shameless. Even if you strictly tell them you are not interested, they will try to persuade you by any means. This shows that the company is following corrupt and unprofessional practices as an organization.

2. I have just used their service for a maximum of 15 times in my membership of 12 years. And that too a maximum of 5 times in past 7-8 years. Few months back I had an experience of using their service. The battery of my car had discharged, and I called for their help. The weather was really bad and it was raining like anything. In spite of their commitment of half an hour, no one arrived for help for 2.5 hours. I kept calling them fanatically, but each time they told me another 10mins. Ultimately I got help from some other mechanic and had to leave for home. Easily it was one of the worst experiences of my life.

3. Yesterday, again my battery got discharged and then I called them. First of all the staff for attending the calls is so rude and manner less. I was trying to explain the location where I am standing and he was asking me the house number for address. I explained him how can I tell a house number on a road where I don’t live, and tried explaining him my exact location by other landmarks. But he was not willing to listen and put my call on hold. Then I dialed the number again and somehow registered my complaint. I was given a time of half an hour. And they told me to be near the car as it would not take more time than that. But they did not arrive, each time I called them they would tell me 10mins more. The staff was non co-operative and non helping. Finally they gave me a mechanic’s number who was supposed to attend my complaint and was told that he has reached my location and I should call him. When I called the mechanic, he told me that he is far and needs 15 more minutes, and he has just now got the call and started from his location. I again called the helpline and politely asked the status of my complaint, then I was told that the mechanic has already reached my location and searching for me. Then I told them my conversation with the mechanic. They again lied that he got another complaint, so was attending it. While the mechanic had told me that he was having lunch. I had to stand for more than 1 hour in the scorching heat at the peak noon hours. I missed an important meeting and got sick because of the heat. My whole day was wasted and I felt terrible because of sickness, and had to take rest for the rest of the day. All because of their unprofessional attitude. Had they communicated beforehand that it is going to take some time, I would have gone to some nearby place to cool myself in the heat. But instead they had asked me to be standing near the car, otherwise the mechanic will go back.

The only reason that I have continued the services with them for the past 3 years is the lack of any other authentic breakdown service and another reason being that I have had a few good experiences in the years before that. At that time their service was good and prompt. But in the last 3 years, they have gone from bad to worst and now they are deteriorating each day. They are a bunch of liars, uneducated, ruthless and fraud people who are making the lives of their customers miserable by making false commitments, by giving them a poor service and harassing them mentally and physically as well.


Company: Crossroads car helpline
Country: India
State: Delhi
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