Auto rickshaw
Udeness of auto drivers

Cars & Transport

Today, when i was waiting for an auto at Banjara hills, an auto by number AP28Y4595 stopped and asked me where i need to go, and surprisingly this auto had no meter and there were 2 persons posing as drivers. For the distance of around 4.7 kms which would actually charge about Rs.35/- they were demanding Rs.70/- at 9:40AM.

When i asked them why they had no meter and why they were demanding somuch, one of the person posing as a driver started talking very rudely and was saying that they will even demand Rs.150/- and he was also asking me to note the number and do what i can.

The concerned officials, please take action on such auto drivers, because of whom travelling in autos has become a night mare for almost all the people who commute daily by autos.

Alteast provide with a particular dedicated phone line thru which the commuters can complain immediately when the auto drivers behave such way which will create a fear among them and there rudeness will be controlled atleast to certain extent.

Company: Auto rickshaw
Country: India
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License # 14584/01 || Badge # 14337/01
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