Spicejet consigns flight safety to the dustbin - overloads domestic flight SG 103 Delhi to Mumbai on 2nd June

Cars & Transport

Copy of email sent to the CEO of Spicejet Airlines on the series of incident on flight SG103 Delhi to Mumbai on 2nd June


Sanjay Aggarwal



I am sending this mail to you and simultaneously copying The Honourable Minister for Civil Aviation Shri Praful Patel; Secretary, MOCA; important functionaries in the DGCA; important business groups; alumni mail lists; digital and print media; friends and relations. Your company must be exposed and held responsible for sacrificing safety for profit so soon after the worst aviation accident in Indian history at Mangalore.

Your airline today seriously compromised on flight safety and made it personal for me as my family is on this flight SG 103 Delhi to Mumbai on the 2nd June. To make sure you believe the seriousness of this mail and don’t dismiss it as a crank mail my complete contact address is below, I am also happy to share the booking reference with any agency which wishes to enquire into this. Also the flight will soon land in Mumbai and I am sure the passengers who were eye-witnesses have their own to add to this.

This is not about the fact that a flight which was supposed to depart at 12:15 hours is still sitting on the tarmac at 16:45 hours as I write this or the fact that this delay was caused by “technical snags” in the aircraft (as told by your ground staff). That is a dismal thing to say the least and another matter all together

This is about basic aviation safety.

I am sure you will see the uproar later today on TV, and social media sites as photos and videos get uploaded on how Spicejet created a first in aviation history by boarding about 20 extra passengers on flight SG 103. In fact I am told by my wife who is on this flight, as I write this, that even after de-boarding several passengers the flight is about to leave by making small children who are NOT infants and who bought and should have been allotted separate seats in the plane; to sit in their parents laps without the mandatory seatbelts.

Shame on you sir and your employees for running a “banana” airlines giving India and its hard working people a bad name.

I look forward to the Ministry of Civil Aviation instituting a full fledged enquiry against your airline for violating basic flight safety norms!


Sandeep Srivastava

Company: SpiceJet
Country: India
Site: www.spicejet.com
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