Indian oil corporation petrol pump
Fraud by petrol pump attendents

Cars & Transport

Hi All

Cheating by petrol pump attendents.

This incident occurs on 16.05.10 in late evening, me and my wife were coming back to our home from shopping in kamla nagar to ashok vihar.

In the mid way, i thought of getting petrol from SINGH SERVICE STATION .This is 1 out of three petrol pump in 10 kms stretch. Im a regular customer of this petrol pump from last 10 years.

That day i demand petrol for Rs.500/-, in exchange i have given 1000/- rupees note.

same time my mobile rang and i got busy on the call.i forget to take back balance of Rs.500.00.

i came out of petrol pump without taking my balance.

While driving the car back to my home (towards ashok Vihar) i realised that i have forgotten the balance amount.

without 10-15 mins I reached back to petrol pump and asked them about balance money. The attendent and the cashier showed innosence on the matter.

i asked them if you allowed people to go without making payment, if somebody forget to give you money.

They said 'NO'.

I asked them them why are you people realised that if somebody forget to take his/her balance back, this is your duty to give their money back.

After long discussion the cashier Kapil said " we complete our cash with sales around 11 pm, and only after that i decide whether your balance is with us or not. He makes me assured of making call next day morning.

Next day he didn't make any call. I went to my office.

in the evening in went the petrol pump again and asked them about my matter with the same attendent, since cashier Kapil was not there.

The other cashier said that it is the matter of Kapil and you, its better if you ask Kapil in the next morning.

Today in the morning i call Mr kapil, he said that our cash got matched on 16.05.10.So we dont have have your balance.

My Question Now:

1 Whether the returning balance amount is not duty of attendent.

2 What is the matter of chance that after 10-15 mins the cashier and the attendent are not able to speak about the balance amount.

3 my the cashier had not made any call in 2 days, after matching the cash with the sales book.

4 Why is the matter is not concerned to the other chashier in the next day evening.

Can Somebody help. This is not the matter of just 500/-.

Company: Indian oil corporation petrol pump
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: North Delhi
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