Indian Railway
Platform ticket chalan

Cars & Transport


If any one is listening, and if any change happens after posting this in public forum.

I have faced a very unpleasant situation today (02-02) at Indore (INDB) station. I reached station on time but somehow they had close the gate which falls near to the AC compartment. So i had to rush and due to the excess queue was unable to take the platform ticket as well.

Somehow, while returning i strangely found the TTE, and they politely asked me if i had the ticket with me. Being a law abiding citizen, i agreed that i was without ticket. So, he asked me to come with him and take a ticket. I followed him and found out that they asked me to pay Rs.250 for my offense. I agreed for doing that, but at the same time when i saw others (including a girl) standing for the same reason, and left without penalty, i got aggressive. I wanted to know in this country how can someone be left because they have contact in railways. Dont you think Law should be same for everyone.

I admit i did a mistake but TTE's at Indore station are making fun of the law. Who are they to make exceptions. They are not god. These bastards should be thrown out of the job. Please teach them some manner. We are Indian citizen and respect means a lot to us.

The chalan i have been handed over is not a chalan meant for fining someone. If you do not have chalan slips, why do you ask for fine then.

Please do something, because if we start taking things in our hands, the situation may go worst then that in Egypt or other countries.

Govt. employee should know there limits.

Please do something in this regard

Awnindra Kumar


Company: Indian Railway
Country: India
State: Madhya Pradesh
City: Indore
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Booked online train ticket
URGENT: Reversal of ticket PNR NO- 4202209268


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