Air Deccan
Do not fly by Air Deccan!

Cars & Transport

My flight was canceled by the company itself and was not given any refund when asked well in advance, that is immediately after I received sms from Air Deccan saying my flight has been canceled. Customer service of Air Deccan took me weeks to reach them and I had to be in queue for hours even though my waiting number was one when called at 9am. When contacted the customer service they said money has been refunded. Fact is, its been more than two weeks now and I have not got any refund. Bottom line, Air Deccan is a pathetic airliner with poor customer care service with equally worse in flight services. Overall Air Deccan is poorly managed airliner without any business ethics and pathetic service with arrogant staff. Never fly Air Deccan!

Company: Air Deccan
Country: India
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