Metro petrol bunk
Petrol filling fraud

Cars & Transport

Metro petrol bunk @ pallikarnai employes mostly drunk ppl..They start filling petrol and suddenly power goes out and then they start filling petrol from a mark already configured. i dont know exactly how they do it. Cant even argue with a drunk person. This happened twice. So second time i caught them but could not do much, as they have perfect way to gang up and get rid of the customer. What really annoyed me is that every time this power outage happens, they say we will fill more 50 or 100. Its a round number!! I always fill for 200. First time wen this happened, they said meter stopped at 100, second time it was 150..Second time i know for sure it was 100 something. So how does it always stop @ round figures??? Something needs to be done against these kinda fraud activity. Maybe it happened to you as well..Its not a coincedence.. Not just this, petrol bunkwalas have different kinds of tricks. just thought of sharing..beware of this particular trick..

Company: Metro petrol bunk
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

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