Netgear customer service

Computers & Services

Just bought a Netgear wireless router and, just today, spent 7 hours calling them, being assured all configured correctly to call other networked products customer service - that it must be them and couldn't be Netgear, calling the other companies, independnt test sites being run and still showing no communication w/router re router setup/config, calling NETGEAR back again, being forced to repeat same steps previously run through, argued with when stating that Netgear system already updated and showing what they were telling me to redo, redoing anyway, and finally, on the last call to the last rep, being told they'd trouble shot it for me pretty much all they could, could I just call back another time... never admitting or agreeing there seemed to be a problem w/the router even after he'd had me check the other product and verified it was networked and actively communicating... he still insisted it had to be the other company's product that wasn't functioning correctly. Netgears idea of call resolution, repeatedly, seems to be to get off the call and hope the consumer just doesn't call back, but if they do, just suggest they call another products company, thus getting the Netgear rep off the phone again.

Company: Netgear
Country: India
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Lodha motors
Service provide

Netgear wireless router
No post sales sevice support

INDIRA NAGAR, Bangalore, Karnataka - FAKE COMPANY!!!

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