Hell company

Computers & Services

I am here to I can rather say caution/warn prospective candidates seeking employment in IT services based companies. In the turn of the 21st century, many new types of jobs were created by the IT industry forcing good and bad people alike to start and run companies for profit to make huge money out of it. I am talking about small companies with strength of less than 50 members. There is one such so called professional running a S/w Testing / IT services company in Chennai by the name "Netmagnus Solutions" located in Mylapore, Chennai, which has its roots in London UK. In the name of company policy they make their employees shit their pants. The first and foremost atrocity is collecting or may I say snatching their valuable school, college credentials such as mark sheets (individual, consolidated), degree certificates, exp letters, from the poor candidates and starts their game.

The following are the hardships faced by the employees working in Netmagnus.

1. They should behave as remotely controlled toys by the employer management.

2. They have to be present for work for a strict 13-16 hours work day.

3. Saturdays/Sundays are working days.

4. The lunatic management have a so called smart ass technique to make employees feel focused in their work. They think this way they can reduce peer to peer gossip. The HEADS UP/DOWN technique. I don’t know which moron got this idea to implement. During office time, employees should go into HEADS DOWN mode and just look into the monitor and not talk to their fellow employees, colleagues, If violated, will be given warnings of any sort and cause nuisance to him/her of unexpected degree, some maggots who are paid for such a whorehouse dalal type jobs, to monitor these people and to report time and again about the happenings. (Employee A violated from Heads down at 11:34AM and Employee B responded to that) etc.

4. The tech guy of management who is based in UK comes to India often and in the name of team meetings would use obscene words (fuck, suck) and tease employees even in front of female employees and in some cases even abuse the female staff with unimaginable words irrespective of their age and sometimes crossing the limits, now I asking to the “son of bitch” through this forum he would speak obscene words to his mother/sister/wife/daughter.

5. Imposing sudden and unexpected salary cuts on employees. (You are late for a few mins in the anytime after breaks or during morning time, you will be snapped of the half a day’s salary). For e.g. If you arrive at 08:03AM for the 08:00AM office start time even once, that day’s half a day’s salary will be cut.. This plan is being implemented for their internal cost cut measures and not for work related constraint.

6. Forcing employees to go on Bench (No work) and using their bench status to pay super low salaries still call them for work in other projects and make them work like nonstop elevator machines for the whole day.

7. When a candidate enters that company he has to stay for a minimum period of 4 years (4 years of Hell) for which he has to submit all his credentials and submit a signed letter of undertaking (which is abolished long ago in India).

8. If he wants to quit in between, as compensation he has to pay a hefty sum of 5 Lacs, if he does not intend to pay it, he might not be given back his certificates (Blackmailing)

9. Many candidates out of frustration worry about their career path breakage, resort to pay. So many many employees have spent Lacs and lacs of rupees to get back their certificates to pursue their future (to support their parents, brothers, sisters), these son of a bitches exploit this as a opportunity to earn as much money possible from these poor employees

People who wish to quit.

10. Once it happened that a female employee was about to get married and was agreed upon by the idiotic management that they will let go if she wanted to quit in between when she got married. It so happened that she got engaged and married, but these morons denied her then from quitting forcing her to stay. The problem went to the extent that the girl’s father, husband had to come to the company’s premises and use abusive language on the management to gain gravity of the situation. Post that she got her relieving. This is one of the 101 cases that keep happening there time and again.

11. If an employee plans to quit after completing four years of living hell, still due to reasons unknown, he would be forced to stay for extended periods and would put them on bench and cut their salaries or suspend them, if he went an extra step and planned to quit, he would be given threats to comply to their demands else his employee verification calls would be messed up.

12. From facilities point of view, the male employees are forced to use unclean restrooms generally used by the security guards and cab drivers in the outhouse of the building.

13. No proper drinking water facilities. Tea would be provided once a day and would taste like CAT urine (Meaning so filthy and cheap).

14. No proper salary structure, promised salary would never be paid and in some cases, would be paid only half the amount as given in the offer letter.

15. Even for extremely genuine reasons, the employees would never be granted any leaves forcing them to forgo their personal commitments.

15. If a employee returns home very very late from his work say 02:00AM in the mid night, the next day (same day) if he still comes a single minute late (Morning 08:00AM) his half a day salary would be cut.

16. To provide more info on the above, this is the average time employees are allowed to go after a day’s work. This includes female staff as well. No CAB facilities would be provided for the female staff (at least) to reach their homes in the mid night forcing them to venture in the streets all alone risking their lives.

17. All this is done just because of the fact that the valuable credentials are deposited to them. So it is a very very very humble request from us not to ever even think of joining or attending an interview with this company.

18. If the Netmagnus proprietor is reading this, If the above harassments were in place for people in your family/ or close kin what would be your reaction. How would you feel if your own blood is put into such mental trauma and pressure? The employees are losing everything due to your selfishness. If you are going to continue this way, there is someone above you who is looking at you and will punish you in due course of time. How much ever you bend before him, hell is your final resort. Bad luck to you…

Some employees are nearing completion of their four year tenure (Hell) in this company, at this stage, when they submitted the letter of resignation with a due notice of two months as per their policy, the management had denied all their resignation letters and have forced to extend their services else they will be suspended indefinitely and their salaries would not be paid.

If a employee wishes to stay in the same company even after the completion of his four years tenure, the management will rather only extend his bond (Sounds like a joke) for two more years further instead of sacking him or making him quit on his own.

On a completion note, for information sake we would like to say that till now in the last years of the company’s history around 500/750 employees would have worked and out of that only five to six employees got their reliving letter. Rest all had either not got their certidicates and quit forgoing their certificates and many many people have paid huge sums to get back their transcripts. So their main motive is to employ people, torture and torment them mentally, out them lot of pressure and make them to quit forcefully and there by earning a ransom of 2-4 lacs. This is their main way of earning money.

Recently some employees were sent abroad for project purposes and were pressured to the extent of making them work for more than 16 hrs a day which forced one of them to take a decision of coming back to India on their own expense.

Anybody want to spoil your life go and join NETMAGNUS, otherwise please inform to everyone about this company, safe your friends, relatives life.

Company: Netmagnus
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t
S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

Bsnl unwanted messages
Snl unwanted messages