Adroit SA
Fraud - Beware of Adroit SA

Computers & Services


Both Sayak and Soumava - the front face of Adroit SA are big time fraud and biggest liars i have seen in my life span.. I took two processes from them, worked for almost one month, then one fine day they said that process is closed..this incident happened in the month of May' 11. then they say that they will pay for the work and whenever i call them they always buy time by one or another mean. And now they clearly says that they will not pay even a single penny.

Not sure how to get my money i.e. Rs 2.5 lacs from their nexus.. I am totally ruined by them. So pls beware of both these cheater and selfish people...


Gagan Mehra


Company: Adroit SA
Country: India
State: West Bengal
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