Brilliant Tutorials
Breach of agreement, Non conduct of classes

Education & Science

Since last 1 month no classes are being conducted by Brilliant Tutorials Sec 5 DWARKA, New Delhi. On inquiry, the reason intimated is this that the teachers are on strike as no salary has been paid to them for last 3 months. The situation is so grim that the students are left to fend for themselves and the hard earned money of the parents has gone down the drain. Not only the institute is playing with the career of the students, it leads to harassment of the parents to find new coaching facilities / institutes in the middle of the year. With institutes quietly blaming the central administration, the chances of refund seem to be low.

Non confirmed sources say that there has been some financial mismanagement centrally. I request stringent action be taken against such money minting institutes who are holding children education and parents hard earned money to ransom, Since the time is running out such issues need to be dealt with on priority.

Company: Brilliant Tutorials
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: South West Delhi
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