Fraud - No Training and No Refund

Education & Science


I am a Victim of a Fraud by company called Adeptechno that promises to train people on various IT courses.

The course I was looking out for was ITIL V3 Service Operation that was suppose to be conducted by the end of May for which I paid a complete amount of Rs29, 000/-.

A lot of convincing calls were received before making the payments.

Later on, no training has been conducted and no refund has been received. Infact, I already got my certification done from other institute and still no refund has been made.

The following is the sequence of Conversations:-

May The batch gets postponed due to student availability issue. Hence rescheduled to June.

June The Concerned person gets hospitalized and no one else could look into the training part. Hence no training for the month of June as a result of which the training gets postponed till the end of june.

End of June- No trainer available as the concerned trainer is working overseas. Hence rescheduled for July.

July- Still no sign of ay training. When asked, received the same excuse of trainer availability. Hence rescheduled till end of July.

End of July- Batch again gets postponed due to student availability and trainer charges too high. Hence asked for a refund finally.

Refund excuses:-

Initially, after waiting so long for they say it will take 60 days to make a refund.

On insisting, they commit to resolve this by a week.

After a week, they say it will happen by end of August. Again, on insisting they promise to make a payment in 4 days. On every follow up they try to buy time and give out the same pathetic "management will get bak 2 u" scripts.

Please Note:- I have every call recording as an evidence since May. The prices for the same course have been hiked by almost 25000 more with rest of the companies/institutes.

Company: Adeptechno
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

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