Faber India - Chimney

Electronics and household app.

The Faber Chimney at my home developed certain motor problems during Sep 2011. We called Faber servicing and they checked and mentioned that the motor has to be replaced. As it is under Lifetime warranty, Faber mentioned that they will replace the motor and get the servicing done. But until now, which is already more than 1.5 months, motor has not yet been received and serviced. I have called them innumerable number of times, called up Pune office as it is their head office, registered complaints but until now there has been no response by them. It is really frustrating and when I call they inform me to call up Pune to get the things speeden up and when I call Pune they refer back to Bangalore service station where I had initially registered my complaint. I thot with Faber being internationally acclaimed company I would get good after sales service. But, they have turned out to be really lousy and cheap stupid organization without responsibility towards their customer. They are more like fit it and forget the customer types. If any Faber personnel has got time enough to look into customer complaints or if they have an organization head, which I sincerely doubt, my complaint number is - 1109184733 - Suresh

Company: Faber India - Chimney
Country: India
State: Karnataka
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Issude of Wrong Warranty card with Faber Chimney

Glen Electric Chimney
Glen not attending to oil leaking from surface of chimney

Faber Chimney
No service

M/S.Dash Enterprises
Money not returned, nor we have the appliance (Kitchen Chimney)

Worst customer Service from Fabe

No proper service

Lodha motors
Service provide

No after sale service

FABER KITCHEN CHIMNEY(Faber Make, Stainless steel, Solaris 680LT10)