E meditek
Non Payment of Medical Insurance Claims

Health & Medicine


I wish to lodge a formal complaint against Mr Anuj Chaudhary of E Meditech. My father in Law (Mr. P.K.Gupta) has a medical insurance policy (No. 321600/34/10/11/00000268) and had undergone a bypass heart surgery in March.

He had submitted his documents for the claim of Rs. 50, 000 to E Meditech on 14th April and Mr. Anuj Chaudhary from E meditech had been giving false status and assurance to my father in law regarding his claims. He had also taken an authrotiy letter from Mr. P.K.Gupta to get the claim cheque released by E Meditech.

Since last 2 months he has been harassing Mr. P.K.Gupta by saying that the cheque has been despatched and he will be bringing it. Now since last 10 days he has stopped even taking calls and we are very worried about our claim. Also when today we called the customer care we were told that E Meditech has received no claim docs.

Now this clearly means that Mr. Anuj has comitted a fraud and whehther E Medictech is also a party to the fraud is not clear. This has been a very PATHETIC experience and my father in law though being a heart patient and in his old age has to face the agony of his hard earned money being looted by either Mr. Anuj or E Meditech.

I wish to inform that we will be filing a formal Police Complaint and will appraoch Consumer Forum also and press for claims for the mental trauma, harassment and the forgery commited on behalf of E Meditech by Mr. Anuj.

If E meditech has even slight respect for its consumers then i would expect a prompt response else a police action against Anuj is inevitable.

Company: E meditek
Country: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
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