Hetero Pharmacy
Offensive behavior of staff at Hetero Pharmacy, Mehdipatnam, opp. Rythu Baza

Health & Medicine

Offensive behavior of staff at Hetero Pharmacy, Mehdipatnam, opp. Rythu Bazar


I am a regular customer of Hetero Pharmacy outlets of Hyderabad among which most awful is the Mehdipatnam outlay (H.No.12-2-825/8, Opp. Rythu Bazaar, Mehdipatnam). My heartfelt confession till yesterday (11-09) has been that Hetero is best among all Pharmacies in Hyderabad where I shop for not less than Rs.200 almost everyday for my infant. However, certain instances while shopping at Hatero of Mehdipatnam outlet have changed my belief about its credentials. The staff are just worthless and they are not supposed to deal with customers (or argue rudely) in a manner they generally do.

The first instance is about not accepting my debit card for medicines of less than 100 rupees. I can very much understand the rule of any organization, but the way of explaining the rule was quite unacceptable and insulting for me. I asked politely about why card accepted previously for lesser amount and the staff (name not known, tall and dark fellow) went on arguing “should I show you the billing history…no one give card for amount below 100 rupees..” etc. His tone was quite insulting and made me feel as if I am begging for medicines from the outlet. Upon enquiring name of the staff, he refused to disclose the name and on top of it threatened me saying “do whatever you can do against me”.!!! This particular fellow gets annoyed every time I ask for the bill upon purchase of items.

I must herewith mention about another staff (short and dark;name not asked though) who always look for changes if you are purchasing medicines of smaller amount. For not having change of Rs.100 for the billing amount of Rs.32, I remember once the staff placing the medicines aside and saying “you have to pay the change else I am not going to give you the medicine”!!! Being a regular customer and well known to the staff, such behavior is quite startling.

As an honest and regular customer of Hetero, I would like to ask the authority, whether staff are not trained on how to behave with the customers? It is shameful to get such kind of behavior being in hospitality industry. I am particularly concerned that such incidence may ruin the company’s reputation irrespective of its good services. Please take this complaint seriously before genuine customers like me switch to other pharmacies like Apollo.


Dolon Bhattacharyya

Company: Hetero Pharmacy
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
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