Item not deliverd on time and no refund

Internet & Web

Placed an order (order ref no 1013829901) in BagitToday online shopping website ( on 03 Jan for product Sandisk SD 16 GB Extreme SDHC Class 10 and paid Rs 2479 using credit card. I needed this product urgently and I placed the order because the information in the website says that the item is ‘in stock’ and will be delivered in 4-7 days.

Even after 7 days I failed to receive any shipping confirmation from the website. I called up the customer care number provided in the web site and asked them to cancel the order as they couldn’t deliver it within the committed timelines. They agreed that the item is not in stock and I received an email from BagitToday customer care on 10 Jan stating that ‘We would like to inform you that we have already taken the matter to the department concerned to get arrange the refund at the earliest, we request you to kindly allow us 7-8 more working days to resolve the matter’ Later I understood that this is only a tactics to buy some time from me and they really didn’t have any intention to process refund.

The next time when I called up and asked for a status I was told that the order has been shipped through Firstflight courier on 12 Jan with tracking number O20225961 totally against my request to cancel the order. And also I was told that once shipped nothing will be under their control and asked me to deny delivery if I don’t need it and they will process refund once the shipment is returned to them.

Today is 26 Jan and not a single delivery attempt made so far and I am able to see that the Firstflight tracking information for this shipment has random statements like ‘party not available’ ‘door locked’ etc while the truth is there are people available at my home 24 hours a day for the entire time period. Firstflight customer care has no idea what actually the status of this shipment where the parcel is now. Someimes thay say it is returned back to the consigner and someother times they say it is laying in some courier office. i dont have any clue what is going on.

This is when I realized that ‘India Today’ group is all about false commitments and fraud and they practice all illegal tactics/marketing strategies to loot people’s money. They don’t care once they receive the payment. I lost all hope that I will ever receive a refund of my money.

I want to file a suit against this fraud company on the grounds of mental agony & harassment they caused to me.

Company: BaritToday
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
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