Zero scurity on gtpl

Internet & Web

I have gtpl internet and they are use dial-up (pppoe) connection and one day i saw in my network place so much pc connect with network when go that pc i can access there files and all data of that pc and there is no security and when i told that problem to gtpl they told me that network is secured and u don't worry about that and after 5 month my pic i saw in my friend pc and my friend have also have gtpl connection and steal my pic and saw me

Company: GTPL
Country: India
State: Gujarat
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M/s. GTPL Netlink Pvt Ltd
Broad bank connectivity

Broadband Bad service - worst

ICICI Bank Limited
Zero Balance Facility withdrawn unilaterally

GTPL set top box
Change of set top box

GTPL Broadband
No Response poor service

GTPL Broadband Services
Carry Forward of unused GBs

Gtpl sub distibuter surat krishna vision
Some chanle nathi batavta je gtpl vara batave che te