Horrible customer service

Internet & Web

Had a horrible experience with 99 labels during my first purchase itself.

I had ordered some tees on your website. At first, there was a technical problem, for which I had to go for COD.

On further intimation from their support, regarding non-availability of COD services in that particular area, we made the online payment as per details provided vide email dtd. 11.03.2011 by Surojit Sinha of Support team (transaction details already e-mailed twice).

Then we hear, that the payment was made to a wrong order no. 9944725 instead of 9940332.

Now, its informed that the order stands cancelled due to non-serviceable area, whereas my colleagues have received their parcels in the same address from 99 labels a couple of times before. their customer side constantly talked about returning credit points, while I asked them about refunding the money.

Finally on 06.04. Surojit Sinha had asked me about converting the amount to 1500 credit points, to which I refused as 99 labels had already stated in writing that my place falls under serviceable area. So there is no point in providing me with credits when I cannot buy anything from site.

On 08.04. I checked my account, and to my utter surprise you have credited me with 1500 points, although I had not accepted and refused the same. Is it my fault, if the company provided some other customer for free at my cost?

Company: 99labels
Country: India
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INDIRA NAGAR, Bangalore, Karnataka - FAKE COMPANY!!!

Defected and delayed product

99 labels
Worst Service by 99Labels.com

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Snl unwanted messages