No service

Internet & Web

I am Mahesh and I am using MTNL DSL plan 395 since last 8 months and my land line number is 25010724 and I am using MTNL landlineservice for last 12 years. And suddenly from last 3 weeks the internet is not working and I am an IT student and I need internet for my projects..and when I called them and told them that the internet is not working and they said that they will check it and the problem was not resolved after 2 days so i called them everyday for the next 2 weeks because the connection was not consistent and it use to work for 10 minutes and later was getting disconnected and that went on for a month and after that they used to call me every alternate day and check and they said that they will send the technician but they never send anybody and i kept on complaining and they did nothing and no one came till today and i also complained for the download speed and they said that my plan is 320 kbps and i should get 40 kbps as the download speed so i told them that i know it but the speed is not even close to 40..whenever i am trying to download anything i only get the maximum speed of 32 kbps and they said that they have already checked it from their side and there is no problem and as i am also working it thought of discontinue the service but i didnt get any time.but i want to say that many people say that mtnl is good but i wont agree to that.they might not have faced any situation where they had to talk to the customer care.

mtnl is not good.i am really frustrated and very upset with the service and i would not recommend mtnl to any one whom i know.u guys are pathetic and also u guys only know how to loot the customers and make profit of everything and i also hope that the company shuts down and u go in losses and u dont have any customers. If i dont pay one month bill us idiots will come on the next day and disconnect and why the hell you take 1000 Rs as deposit from the customer who is using your service from the last 12-13 years and also i have paid the bills regularly..if you doubt that you can check the records..

I am really angry and i dont know what to do now..but i think i will disconnect the service both internet and land line as soon as possible..

and probably opt for the cable because in he same amount he is ready to give me 3 times the speed and hopefully more services than you losers..

Company: MTNL
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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Network Problems


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