Slow connection and bad customer service

Internet & Web


It's been one and half month since i have bought an MTS Mblaze connection. Since day one i have experience very slow speed in the connection. After first 2 weeks of slow surfing, the speed came down to 0 kbps. I could use only 3 GB of the 30GB unlimited plan. The worst part is that inspite of numerous complaints, no MTS executive has bothered to fix this problem.

Not just that they do not address your problem but are not at all polite while speaking you. It's been one and half months and i have received any redressal to my problem inspite of more than 50 phone calls in this duration.

Please do not trust the MTS Mblaze service. You will lose thousands and that will be the end of the story because of poor customer service.

Company: MTS
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Pune
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