ARS bonds Intrest
Non Receipt of Interest for the period from 01.04.2007 to 30.09.2007


UTI Investor Services Limited

Plot No.3, Sector No.11,

CBD Belapur,

Navi Mumbai : 400614.

Sub: Non Receipt of Interest for the period from 01.04.2007 to 30.09.2007.

Investor I.D No : 0217607001

B. ID No : 0000369007

Respected Sir / Madam,

The above said bonds are in the name of Tarsem Chand Bansal and Sons HUF. I have not received interest for the period from 01.04.2007 to 30.09.2007. I sent letters regarding non receipt of interest to your office but have not received any reply from you.

You are requested to check your record and send me interest warrant in the name of Tarsem Chand Bansal and Sons HUF at the earliest.

Thanking You,

Your’s Faithfuly

(Dr. Tarsem Bansal)


Company: ARS bonds Intrest
Country: India
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