Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam
Incorrect Billing from last 3 cycles



I've registered vide Grievance number 359LHC, 828BGL, 221262, 502EFJ, but received no answers. Have visited Palla office more than 10 times.

Name: Seema Sethumadhavan

Address: House No 108 Ground Floor,

Ashoka Enclave Part -III,

Sector 35, Faridabad.


Account No. LL15-2516

Sub Division: F13/Mathura Road.

K No. 2212020302

Mobile No. 9810600244

The errors in the billing are being done at the DHBVN office and the customers are at stake.

The Bill No.5839531 was incoorect due to wrong billing input by the department, The meter reading shoud have been 9205 and was recorded by your department as MR 99205 and the billing amount was 435615.00, Then I visited the Palla office and registered the complaint vide no. 221262 on 05-12 and had given the complaint to the Je in the Power supply office personally at Mathura Road. They visited my house and has taken the current reading as 9446 and hence I paid the excess bill alongwith the next billing cycle for amount 2697.00 which got cleared on 13-12-08 from my bank which also did not got adjusted in the next billing cycle and the arrears were appearing vide bill no6374213. Also in the same bill the min bill amount was charged though I've paid for the consumed units along with the bill no 5839531. This is wrong and excess billing charged to the Customers.

Again I've received the bill No. 6813987 where again the min bill chargedsare charged, arrears are charged as 3219.30 and sundry charges/allowances charged for 7225.78, the total billing amount appearing as 11017.00.

Due to the Errors being done by your department we are facing lot of problems of billing and harrasment when we visit the Palla Office and have to take leaves to get this resolved and every month a new error or problem is there to harrass us.

Please resolve this at the earliest or else I would take this forward to the consumer group or to the media.

Looking forward for your support at the earliest.

Best Regards... Seema


Company: Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam
Country: India
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