IFB/Microwave Oven
Deficiency of service


I have IFB microwave oven model 20SC1 bought it from Bangalore about 2 years back. The oven was out of order for more than 6-months inspite making complaints at Bangalore. At Bangalore service personnel visited and told that Magnum worth of Rs.2500/- has to be replaced and I agreed to change it, but that service personnel did not turn up for attending to it. Subsequently, I was transferred to Chennai during February. After transfer to Chennai, whenever I tried to call the toll free number for service of ifb, no one would attend it and the voice recorder will be on and would instruct to record the complaint. Hence, I sent a email to the consumer complaints and inspite of it no one attended to the complaint. Finaly, with great effort, I found out the service centre of IFB at chennai and recorded my complaint on 06.06.09 and the service personnel attended to it. They also told that the Magnum worth of Rs.2500/- need to be changed and I told them to change. I have informed them about other complaints also non-functioning of convection and to clean the window glass pan as dirt got in between the panel. On 06.06.09, they suggested me to go in for Anual Maintenance Contract. Accordingly, I executed the Annual maintenance Contract on 06.06.09 by paying an amount of Rs.1143/-. On 08.06.09 the service personnel replaced the Magnum, but they failed to give receipt for the same. On 06.06.09 they told that they would attend the complaint of non-function of convection after about a month. In the mean time about 15 days ago, the timer was not functioning properly. I made a complaint with regard to it and the service personnel visited and they told that they would take the circuit board to the service centre and would replace it after service within 10-days. Even after 15 days, they had not replaced it and put it in working condition. On 22nd July, 09, I enquired about the status and they informed me that they would take another 15-days to rectify it. I am fed up with the service of the IFB. Most of the them it is idle and I am unable to use if even after spending a lot of money on it. Whenever, I tried to contact the Manager at Madras, Shri Ashok, he won't come on line and he would evade my calls. I need redressal for the callous attitude of IFB Service. We are put into a lot of inconvenience by doing the mistake of buying the IFB microwave oven. We need suitable compensation for the loss of money and inconvenience faced by us.

Hari Om Prakash

Company: IFB/Microwave Oven
Country: India
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