Indane LPG Gas
Delay in supply of refil cylinde




I have booked a refill on 17.10.09 and again called up the distributor after a week and was told that I would get the supply in a week's time. I got the supply today at 4.00 pm after repeatedly calling the distributor. I asked for the Manager's contact number, but was not given. When I managed to get the Manager's phone number I was told that he/she is busy in a meeting. That means there is no one at the distributor's shop to attend to a complaint. Today when I received the delivery, I was not given a bill in my name. May I know what happened to the Bill? Why is there so much delay? Who is answerable? No doubt the Manager is managing her business well, but what about the customer's complaint. Maybe she is not even aware about what is going on behind her back, how the staff is manipulating and selling cylinders in the black. My service number is 20391 and my distributor's name is Arjun Gas Agency - Ahmedabad.

Company: Indane LPG Gas
Country: India
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Indane Gas - LPG cylinder refil
Not / delay in delivering refil