Indian oil corporation
I am serprised how you are making supplies


The Public Information Officer

Indian Oil Corporation

World Trade Center

Babar Road, New Delhi July 17

Dear Sir,

Sub: Information under RTI, Act under section 6.

Reg: Jain Motor Car Co, Petrol Pump at New Rohtak Road, New Delhi

You are having a retail outlet at New Rohtak Road in the name of Jain Motor Car Co. I understand one of the partners has died over one and a half year ago on 18.2.2008 which was duly informed to you and you are continuing to supply material without a new partnership deed or any mutual agreement of the partners.

I also understand that some of the partners have submitted a will of the deceased partner in their favor for which no probate or letter of Administration from the court has been obtained. Could the Will be a forged and fabricated.

It is a fact that irrespective of any percentage of any partners, the Partnership Act says you need to have a new deed of partnership. It is also a fact that the firm in question has a clause that the firm will not be dissolved on a death of any partners but it also says there has to be a mutual consent of the existing parties and the legal heir/representatives of the deceased?

It is also not known fact that if any clause or agreement is in contradiction to the Act and in case of any difference of opinion the Partnership Act shall prevail.

In this regard I want the following information in the shape of answer of the following queries form your goodself which are as under:

1. Is it a fact that you had continued to supply in spite of the objections from the partners and the legal heir and extended the supply without informing all the partners?

2. Why the supply was stopped for the outlet under the circumstances and under what circumstances the said supplies was resumed thereafter?

3. Is it a fact that some of your officers are indulging in taking free services from the partners including putting free exhibitions of their paintings etc., in the ART Mall owned and managed by the partners whom you are trying to support, going out of the way though it is illegal?

4. Is it also a fact that you as the supplier have no right to decide whether the WILL is ok and genuine or not and that it is your responsibility to ask for probate of the will especially if there are objections already raised by the Partners and the legal heirs and do not supply till you get appropriate documents.

5. Does this amounts to favoring some against the interest of the others.

6. Is it not a fact that on the death of a partner you should have stopped supplies unless the new legal document was obtained from the partners?

Please give me the reply of the above at your earliest but before the prescribed time under the RTI Act and fix responsibility on those responsibly, if any.

Thanking You,

Virender Jain

98110 27562

Fax 2394 4030

C/o Jain Motor Trading Co

2704, Lothian Road

Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110 006

Company: Indian oil corporation
Country: India
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